2.99% for 24 months* (Limited time)
Auto Lube, Prochop w/Sidewind, LEDs w/Spotlights, Cruise Pilot, Auto Crop Flow, HP Feederhouse, Sunnybrook Cylinder, Deluxe Leather Cab, CLAAS HD Chopper Blades (One Side Left), 12x40 Keystock Grates, Rear Camera, Profi Camera, Grain Quality Camera, Toolbox, Window Blinds, Handwash Station, Has CEMOS Cleaning and Separation but was removed from the configuration, Swathup 450 P/U Header, 2011 Engine Hours, 1346 Separator Hours>
USED COMBINE BLITZ - On Now; get financing at 2.99% for 24 Months. Limited Time Only. *Followed by Standard Rate Financing, OAC. Some conditions apply, subject to change, contact for details.