Versatile Tractor Inspection:
- Our trained technicians thoroughly inspect your Versatile tractor(s).
- We supply you with a list of recommended repairs.
- You get best Versatile parts pricing. (You’ll already save up to 50% on parts compared to New Holland).
Inspection Price:
2WD Tractors |
$499 |
FWA Tractors |
$699 |
4WD Tractors |
$899 |
other inspections
We also inspect and repair many other types of equipment, including:
- Grain Carts
- Augers
- Cummins Engines (We are Cummins Certified)
Call us to book an appointment, or for more information: 306-864-1700
We Service All Ages of Versatile Tractors (Ford, D6, Versatile, New Holland, etc.). Plus, Cummins Certified.